My name is Chaotic, I also go by Chaoticblade5, and you might recognize me as S. Chaotic Jamgochian on other projects. I'm a queer, trans masc from the USA. I really like Carved from Brindlewood games and want to see that design space explode with new games.
The main project I'm currently involved with outside of is the Sprigs and Kindling Fan-Zine as one of the writers! I also do some actual play stuff with Brindlewood Bay and Public Access.
My current main projects are Our Last Summer a game of sensuality, romance, and fun. It is inspired by Mama Mia, and the band ABBA. It can be found free on the Gauntlet Discord if you want to playtest it!
As well as two unreleased games The Game without Art and The Deep Dark Digress.